Welcome to Cheryl Clarke Books

Welcome to the official website of Cheryl Clarke. 

I am a self-published author; a mother, a daughter, a wife, and someone who genuinely loves anything to do with writing!

Please take a tour and come back often for updated info!

About The Author


Writing has always been of interest to me.  As far back as I can recall, I have enjoyed writing stories, poems, articles, and anything else that required putting my never-ending ideas and thoughts on paper.  As much as I love creative writing, I never took it to anything "next-level"; it was always just an outlet or a hobby.


However, in late 2021, a major life event pushed me to explore the things I'd always wanted to do within a more creative space, and writing a children's book had been a bucket list item for a very long time.  So after a year of trial and error, I am now a proud author! Seeing my dream become a reality has been an incredible and somewhat surreal experience!  I now have 4 self-published books under my literary belt and I'm immensely proud of each one.

Although I'd love nothing more than to turn this passion into a profession, I am content to continue to write and create in this capacity and will consider myself lucky to publish more books as time goes on. 

My sincere thanks to everyone who has supported me on this journey so far!